On the Go
Babies and families are always busy and spend lots of time on the go! Designed to keep both baby and parents happy during the sometimes trying travel times – trips to the shops or to school pick up. On the Go toys are entertaining and packed with developmental features to stimulate baby. Each item is designed to fit into the busy family schedule. Many items clip, clamp, tie or link easily – so they are easy to attach to the pram, stroller or car seat. Bon voyage!

Activity Doofy Dog
Activity Friend Blossom Butterfly
Activity Friend Pooky Puppy
Amazing Garden Twirly Whirly
Amazing Garden Wiggling Friend
Dingly Dangly Curly the Monkey
Dingly Dangly Floss the Fairy
Loopy Links
Musical Pullstring Bunny
Musical Pullstring Octopus
On-the-Go Stroller Mobile
Tinkle Trio
Toucan Musical Play Arch
Toy Box Dingly Dangly Clip Clop
Toy Box Dingly Dangly Mimsy
Who’s in the Tree Twirly Whirly